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ENGclusion longitudinal study participants

ENGclusion longitudinal study participants

So far, we have received 150 responses to the first ENGclusion questionnaire. The participants come from nearly all New Zealand Universities and from a wide range of engineering and computer science specialisations. There are 77 women, 63 men, and 8 who identify as...

Longitudinal study: first questionnaire is out

Longitudinal study: first questionnaire is out

The first questionnaire for the ENGclusion longitudinal study is now up, and we are collecting our first round of data. Our goal is to understand how to retain historically excluded groups in the Engineering industry and this questionnaire is the first step. In this...

Presenting our recent work at the UoA Engineering Equity Hui

Presenting our recent work at the UoA Engineering Equity Hui

On Friday, 30 June 2023, Kelly Blincoe and Priyanka Dhopade, attended the Faculty of Engineering's Equity and Diversity hui. They presented findings from a recent study investigating factors affecting students' sense of inclusion in our undergraduate engineering...

Dr Priyanka Dhopade awarded prestigious fellowship

Dr Priyanka Dhopade awarded prestigious fellowship

ENGclusion team member, Dr Priyanka Dhopade, has been named a Fellow of the Office of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor. These fellowships help to build the capability for evidence based policy within the New Zealand government. Her project aims to provide a...

Dr Kelly Blincoe awarded Rutherford Discovery Fellowship

Dr Kelly Blincoe awarded Rutherford Discovery Fellowship

ENGclusion team member, Dr Kelly Blincoe, has been awarded a Royal Society Te Apārangi Rutherford Discovery Fellowship for her research programme titled ‘Towards more inclusive software engineering practices and tools to retain women in software engineering’. These...


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